1 | 国务院行政机构不得干预地方各级人民政府的行政机构设置和编制管理工作,不得要求地方各级人民政府设立与其业务对口的行政机构。 | The administrative agencies of the State Council shall not interfere with the establishment and staffing administration of the agencies of the local people’s governments at various levels, and shall not require the local people’s governments at various levels to establish agencies corresponding to their administrative work. | |
2 | 回肠的疾病可造成维生素B12缺乏症,并有剧烈腹泻(胆汁盐干扰了大肠吸收水过程的结果)。 | Disorders produce vitamin B12 deficiency and extensive diarrhea (since bile salts in the large intestine interfere with water absorption). | |
3 | 甲状腺可肿大到正常的五十倍,可产生噎塞的感觉并导致呼吸和吞咽困难。 | The thyroid can grow to 50 times its normal weight, interfere with breathing and swallowing, and cause a choking feeling. | |
4 | 她再与也不会干涉你了,你有了独立自主权,你已经有了你自己出入大门的钥匙。 | She won’t interfere with you any more;your independence is achieved and you have won your latchkey. | |
5 | 决不允许任何事情干扰我们的周末计划。 | Nothing must be allowed to interfere with our plans for the weekend. | |
6 | 控股股东不得占用、支配该资产或干预上市公司对该资产的经营管理。 | The controlling shareholders shall not misappropriate or control such assets or interfere with the listed company’s management of such assets. | |
7 | 磨刀不误砍柴工。 | Sharpening the axe will not interfere with the cutting of firewood. | |
8 | 你不可打扰他的工作。 | You mustn’t interfere with his work. | |
9 | 你不可让家庭责任干扰你的工作。 | You mustn’t allow your family duties to interfere with your work. | |
10 | 你感到舒服的情况下,睡得最香。衣服过紧,盖得太厚都影响休息。通风不良干扰睡眠。 | You also sleep best when you are comfortable. Tight clothes and heavy covers interfere with good rest. Poor ventilation disturbs sleep. | |
11 | 你让运动干扰你的学习吗 | Do you let sport interfere with your studies? | |
12 | 你曾为玩乐而妨碍过你的职责吗? | Do you ever allow pleasure to interfere with duty? | |
13 | 气象无线电专用频道和信道受国家保护,任何组织或者个人不得挤占和干扰。 | Wireless frequencies and channels specified for meteorological use are protected by the State.No organizations or individuals may occupy or interfere with them. | |
14 | 燃气设施抢修时,有关单位和个人应当给予配合,不得以任何理由阻挠或者干扰抢修工作的进行。 | During rush repairs of fuel gas facilities, the related units and individuals shall act in cooperation, and shall not obstruct or interfere with the ongoing rush repairs for any reasons. | |
15 | 任何单位或者个人都不得非法干预保险人履行赔偿或者给付保险金的义务,也不得限制被保险人或者受益人取得保险金的权利。 | No entity or individual shall illegally interfere with the insurer’s obligation for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits, or hinder the right of the insured or the beneficiary to receive the payment. | |
16 | 任何人不得利用宗教进行破坏社会秩序、损害公民身体健康、妨碍国家教育制度的活动。 | Nobody may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the state. | |
17 | 任何组织和个人不得干预公司经理人员的正常选聘程序。 | No institution or individual shall interfere with a listed company’s normal recruiting procedure for management personnel. | |
18 | 如果您是盲人,可以清除此复选框或有选择地下载声音文件,以保证声音文件不干扰屏幕阅读器朗读文字时发出的声音。 | If you are blind, you might want to clear this check box or selectively download sounds so that they do not interfere with a screen reader reading text aloud. | |
19 | 锐卒勿攻,饵兵勿食,归师勿遏 | Do not attack soldiers whose temper is keen. Do not swallow bait offered by the enemy. Do not interfere with an army that is returning home. | |
20 | 丧偶妇女有权处分继承的财产,任何人不得干涉。 | Widowed women have the right to dispose of the property inherited by them, and no one may interfere with the disposition thereof. | |
21 | 上市公司应采取措施保障监事的知情权,为监事正常履行职责提供必要的协助,任何人不得干预、阻挠。 | A listed company shall adopt measures to ensure supervisors right to learn about company’s matters and shall provide necessary assistance to supervisors for their normal performance of duties. No one shall interfere with or obstruct supervisor’s work. | |
22 | 申请者必须表明,变更须不影响公用水的供应,变更须防止野生动物和鱼类数量的失衡,变更不允许排放能引起风险的有毒物质。 | The applicant must show that the modification will not interfere with public water supplies, prevent a balanced population of wildlife and fish, or allow the discharge of toxics posing an unacceptable risk | |
23 | 什么也不会影响我们两国的友谊。 | Nothing will interfere with the friendship between our two countries. | |
24 | 是指阻碍事情发生。 | Interfere with sth. | |
25 | 谁也不想干扰你。 | No one wants to interfere with you. | |
26 | 他尽量不让日常工作妨碍他的家庭生活. | He tries not to let(his)business interfere with his home life. | |
27 | 他们抱怨说,那些怪物般的庞大建筑,干扰了电视接收。 | They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception. | |
28 | 他们认为血脂中DNA的释放可能干扰了花生四烯酸(AA)的代谢,或者DNA可能改变膜的性质及酶反应过程。 | They proposed that DHA release from plasma lipid (PL)may interfere with arachidonic acid (AA)metabolism or that DtIA may alter membrane properties and subsequent enzyme activities. | |
29 | 他在为期末考试作准备,不要打扰他。 | Don’t interfere with him. He’s preparing for the final exams. | |
30 | 同低温液体的操作或转移相关的浓密雾云会影响可见度。应该十分小心,不能让任何雾云干扰车辆交通或安全撤离路线。 | The dense fog clouds associated with the handling or transfer of cryogenic liquids can obstruct visibility. Care should be exercised so that any clouds do not interfere with vehicle traffic or safety escape routes. |